Thursday, April 2, 2009

Course Guidelines -- Quarter Four -- 2008-09

Creative Writing Workshop
Course Overview and Guidelines
Fourth Quarter – 1st Hour

Course led by Amanda Rhyner (Edgewood College)

This is a writing intensive course designed to develop students' creative writing skills for expression in a variety of creative forms. Emphasis will be on exploring various forms and genres including: dramas and plays, personal narratives, poetry, cartoons/comic strips, character development, film and book reviews, and more. Students will analyze the different genres; read, discuss, and imitate or write their own creative pieces.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

1. Understand different forms of writing and the role of form and structure in creative writing.
2. Read their own work with a critical eye to help them revise and clarify their own creative work.
3. Use and develop their own distinctive voice to express themselves in a variety of ways.

Course Guidelines:

1. Attendance – Each student is responsible for being in class – on time – everyday. However, students will occasionally miss class for one reason or another. In case of an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to ask for any assignments or readings missed. It is your responsibility to see me if you have any questions or concerns.

2. Participation – Along with coming to class, students are responsible for participating in daily activities and discussions. Students who use their time wisely in class will receive credit for it. It is important that students are focused during class time - if students are sleeping, being disruptive or not participating during class they will be marked absent in my grade book.

3. Homework – When homework is assigned, students are expected to have it finished, and in class, on the date it is due. Although students will be given class time to do all projects and assignments, they are expected to finish outside of class when needed.

4. Respect – It is very important to maintain a level of respect in the classroom to ensure that everyone is comfortable and feels safe. Remember that every person in the classroom deserves respect; in order to get respect you must give it.

Academic Integrity
Plagiarism is defined as the use of someone else's work, words, or ideas as if they were your own. I expect students to create and turn in their own, original work throughout the quarter. Plagiarism is not acceptable under any circumstances and will not be tolerated.

Late Work Policy
All assignments for this class are to be turned in on time and fully completed. An extension may be granted if the students come to talk to Amanda PRIOR to the assignment deadline. Without an extension, work that is turned in late will not receive full credit.
Students who are absent will be given one extra day to complete assignments that he or she missed.

Attendance Policy
The Shabazz attendance policy will be enforced in this classroom. Students will be dropped from the course after their 6th absence. Tardies will be accounted for – remember that three tardies is equal to one absence. Also, students who arrive more than fifteen minutes late or leave more than fifteen minutes before the end of the period will be marked absent.

Food and Drinks
Students are more than welcome to bring food and drinks to class as long as they pick up after themselves. If the classroom becomes a dumping ground for wrappers and empty bottles, the privilege will be taken away.

Cell Phones and MP3 Players
There are no cell phones allowed in my classroom. If I see a cell phone, I will take it away. MP3 players are to be turned off (headphones out) when you walk into my classroom. They are to remain in your bags or pockets unless I have given permission to use them during individual work time in class.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Course Description -- Q4 2008-09

The lead teacher of this class will be Amanda Rhyner, pre-service teacher from Edgewood College.

Course Description:

This is a writing intensive course designed to develop students' creative writing skills for expression in a variety of creative forms. Emphasis will be on exploring various forms and genres including: dramas and plays, personal narratives, poetry, cartoons/comic strips, character development, film and book reviews, and more. Students will analyze the different genres; read, discuss, and imitate or write their own creative pieces.

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

  1. Understand different forms of writing and the role of form and structure in creative writing.
  2. Read their own work with a critical eye to help them revise and clarify their own creative work.
  3. Use and develop their own distinctive voice to express themselves in a variety of ways.

Student Assessment: Students will be assessed based on their attendance, participation in class discussion, completion of assignments, and a creative final project.

Course Emphasis:

  • Discussion
  • Group Work
  • Independent Projects
  • Oral Presentations
  • Outside of class work
  • Research Projects